Are you prepared for the upcoming mandatory halal certification requirements in Indonesia? Starting October 2024, all food, beverages, and various products and services must adhere to these new regulations, which will directly impact your business's success in this expanding market. Our Halal Landscape Report offers the critical insights and guidance needed to navigate these policy and regulatory changes effectively, ensuring your products stay compliant and competitive.
With over 60 pages of comprehensive analysis, this report covers key sectors such as food and beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and tourism. It provides you with the tools and information necessary to understand market dynamics, consumer behavior, and the challenges ahead, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to thrive in Indonesia's evolving halal landscape and grow their market share. Check out our preview of the report for more details and see how it can be an invaluable resource for building and growing your business in the most populous Muslim country of the world.
The report is available for purchase at IDR 5.000.000. To purchase and download the report, please follow these steps:
1. Make Payment
Transfer the payment of IDR 5.000.000 to the following account:
Account name : PT Perkasa Permata Asia Abadi
Account number : 597 300 7611
Swift code : BBIJIDJA
Bank: UOB - Kebon Jeruk branch Jakarta - Indonesia
2. Email Payment Confirmation
Once the payment is completed, please email your payment confirmation, including the payment proof, to
3. Receive Download Link
Upon verifying your payment, we will send you the full digital report to the email address provided.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us.